Maloney Announces More Than $1.6 Million in Community Improvement Grants for Bally, Topton, Bechtelsville and Fleetwood

October 22, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. David Maloney (R-Berks) today announced the awarding of $1,655,109 in grant funding for community improvements in the 130th Legislative District from the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) as part of the Local Share Account statewide program.

“This is a very competitive grant program, so I am very pleased we were able to secure substantial funding for these important projects to enhance the quality of life in our communities,” Maloney said. “Bally will receive $366,568 to renovate the borough’s municipal complex; Topton will receive $419,438 for a new ambulance; and Bechtelsville will receive $69,103 for playground improvements.”
Another $800,000 from Public School Facility Improvement Grant Program will go to the Fleetwood Area School District to implement several energy and climate-related improvements to Fleetwood High School. Total project cost is $2,216,201. Fleetwood School District will provide matching funds.

Specifics about the projects are as follows:

• Bally Borough will use its LSA funds to renovate the Bally Borough building. The project will include purchasing and installing an emergency generator and propane supply tank to allow for uninterrupted services during power outages, as well as ADA ramps, to ensure all residents can access the borough building.

The bulk of the project will enlarge the existing building with an addition to include plumbing, electrical and HVAC system additions. This building addition will allow the police department to have an interrogation/interview room and office space, which doesn't currently exist.

• Topton Borough will use its LSA funds to purchase a new ambulance. The cost of ambulance maintenance is taking a toll on the Topton Ambulance budget. The proposed project is to replace the 2006 ambulance with a new 2023 vehicle.

The interior will be completely re-outfitted with all necessary medical supplies and equipment.

• Bechtelsville Borough plans to use its LSA funds (in addition to the borough’s own funds) for the purchase and installation of new playground equipment at the Bechtelsville Park Playground.

The proposed project will include the purchase and installation of two play units, a three-bay swing set, and 200 yards of wood fiber safety surfacing.

• Fleetwood School District will implement several energy and climate-related improvements to Fleetwood High School in the final phase of a major renovation of the 1998 facility.

The proposed project will replace two boilers and remove one underground storage tank; replace an emergency generator which cannot meet the school's electricity needs during a power outage; and replace the existing fluorescent lighting system with LEDs. These improvements will ensure students can learn in a comfortable, properly lit space, reduce energy costs, and ensure the phones and internet will still work in an emergency.

Representative David Maloney
130th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Charles Lardner

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