Press Releases

PGC Must Answer for Continued Lack of Transparency, Maloney Tells Governor

May 17, 2024

HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Game Commission’s (PGC) refusal to conduct business in an open and transparent way has prompted Republican House Game and Fisheries Committee Chairman David Maloney (R-Berks) to again write the governor, state Office of Administration and the Pennsylvania Game Commission requesting action to rein in an agency that has gone rogue and lost sight of its mission.

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Game Commission Conjures Illegal Sham Meeting to Re-Coronate Stephen Smith as PGC Executive Director, Maloney Says

May 13, 2024

HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) reached a new nadir this Sunday, advertising a “special meeting” to replace its disgraced executive director a mere 25 hours before the meeting was to be held. Furthermore, the Game Commission did not provide either a time or a means for public comment and participation, another in a series of violations of Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Law, Rep. David Maloney (R-Berks) announced.

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Maloney Reports Good News for Hunters, Archers

October 12, 2023

HARRISBURG – Rep. David Maloney (R-Berks) announced today that the $150 million theft of Pittman-Robertson funds by the state Senate has been rejected by the House, and the Biden administration has reversed course on banning hunter education and archery in our schools.

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Shapiro, Senate Conspire to Steal $150 Million From PA Hunters

September 27, 2023

Last week, the Senate, with a nod from Gov. Josh Shapiro, violated the federal Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and moved forward with a fiscal code (House Bill 1300), part of the unfinished House Democrat budget, and took $150 million from the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) to put into the Clean Streams funding.

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Maloney Condemns Biden’s Partisan Attack on Sportsmen

July 28, 2023

HARRISBURG – Lifelong hunter and fierce defender of sportsmen’s rights, Rep. David Maloney (R-Berks), chairman of the House Game and Fisheries Committee, today condemned the Biden Administration’s withholding of funds for schools with hunting and archery programs.

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