Maloney Announces a $250,000 in Community Improvement Grant for East Penn Manufacturing

November 1, 2024

HARRISBURG – Grant funding of $250,000 was granted to East Penn Manufacturing (EPM) under the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP), according to Rep. David Maloney (R-Berks).  

“East Penn Manufacturing is the largest employer in Berks County and funding this project will enhance the company’s wastewater treatment plant,” Maloney said. “I was proud to have passed legislation in 2017 designating a portion of State Route 1010 in Berks County as the DeLight Breidegam Jr. Memorial Highway. DeLight was the essence of a true servant-leader in our community. His legacy not only resides in the remarkable organization he founded and built, but also in the countless lives he touched and inspired.”  

The grant award is as follows:

The RACP funds would be used for the construction of a building in addition to the existing EPM wastewater treatment plant. The money will be used for site work, concrete, masonry, steel, roofing, doors, painting, MEP, sprinkler/fire alarm, and associated costs. 

EPM's matching funds will cover the cost of the equipment, some construction, permitting, and design. No funding would be used for land acquisition, as EPM already owns the land for the building addition.

Representative David Maloney
130th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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