Maloney to Hold Road-Naming Ceremony for DeLight Breidegam Jr.
March 2, 2017
WHAT: Rep. David Maloney (R-Berks) will host a ceremony designating a portion of State Route 1010 in Berks County as the DeLight Breidegam Jr. Memorial Highway. This road-naming is made possible by legislation drafted and ushered into law last year by Maloney to honor life of Mr. Breidegam, who co-founded East Penn Manufacturing, also known as Deka Battery.
WHO: Rep. David Maloney, Helen Breidegam, Dan Breidegam, members of the Berks County Delegation to the General Assembly, employees and officers of East Penn Manufacturing.
WHEN: Friday, March 17, 10 a.m.
WHERE: The ceremony location will be the East Penn Manufacturing campus at a tent set up on the company’s baseball field. The entrance to the field is near the intersection of W. State Avenue and Deka Road. There will be photo opportunities after the ceremony at the Deka billboard near the ballfield.
Media contact: Charles Lardner, 717.260.6443,
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